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1800's (1800 -1849)





First recorded shipwreck at Gardenstown when the "Reliance", a 198 ton vessel carrying coal from North Sheilds to Jamaica, was wrecked on Mohr Head. Out of a crew of eleven only Colin Burns, a native of Montrose, was able to be rescued by Gamrie people.


First death records kept at the Mohr Parish Church.

1827 March 1827. The roof of the Mohr Church is damaged in a terrible storm. The damage is beyond repair. It is decided to build a new parish church two miles inland. Until the new church is ready, sermons will be held in the graveyard, or, if the weather is bad, in the schoolhouse at Findon.
1829 On 20 June 1829 the first sermon is held in the new Parish Church.

First Census.

Number of houses = 39
Population = 200
Crovie census is carried out from east to west.

Number of houses = 90
Population = 420
Gardenstown consists of Seatown, Strait Path, Bankhead, Main Street, High Street and Low Road.

1842 The Rev. Thomas Wilson, grandson of the Rev. James Wilson, writes the "New Statistical Account" of the Parish of Gamrie.
  First Post Office is opened at Dubfor to allow the Banff-Fraserburgh foot postman to drop off the local mail.


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